With so many eagerly awaiting the end of the anti-democratic,
unaccountable Harper regime, some seem to be inclined to support any
alternative that may stand a chance for replacing the Cons in 2015, after the
next federal election. But maybe we should take a pause to think this
through just a little more. Canadian Idol Trudeau, though he hasn't said
that much so far, has already shown that he shares many of the policy positions
of Harper. This is where things get scary.
But with Duffy, Wallin, Wright and Harb making the news, it might seem that
now is a good time to call attention to Trudeau not believing in a need for changing the Senate status quo. For Trudeau, it's just a matter of choosing good
Senators, that is to say, that the Senate would be improved if Trudeau got
to choose Liberal Senators instead of Harper choosing Con Senators. -- But this is
merely a small stuff distractions from the frightening resemblances between
Trudeau and Harper.
The Extraordinary Similarities between Harper
and Trudeau
Indeed there are extraordinary similarities between Harper and Trudeau
on tax fairness; trade; guns; health, sustainable development and participation
in the global migration to a green economy; tar sands and the Kinder Morgan and Keystone XL pipelines; Employment Insurance; an oversized ego; equal
opportunity social inclusion/justice; and other matters. Consider
the following:
The Middle Class, Corporate Taxes, Health Care and Trade with China
Regarding the middle class, Trudeau claims to be their champion.
Sound good so far?
Well, never before in the history of Canada have inequalities among Canadians been more pronounced. Thanks to the corporate tax cuts initiated by the Liberals and accelerated by the Conservatives, those with power and money - especially the petroleum industry and the banks - are sitting on $600 billion in liquidity. The Conservatives tell us we must tighten our belts, young people have to accept low wages and precarious jobs, our cities are clogged for lack of investment in sustainable transit alternatives, etc., because the Conservatives tell us the cupboard is bare.
Yet, Justin Trudeau, self-proclaimed champion of the middle class, has said he will not raise corporate taxes. When push comes to shove, Liberals like Conservatives, always cede to money and power. http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/politique-canadienne/201304/11/01-4639753-justin-trudeau-ramener-les-quebecois-vers-la-gouvernance-du-pays.php
Well, never before in the history of Canada have inequalities among Canadians been more pronounced. Thanks to the corporate tax cuts initiated by the Liberals and accelerated by the Conservatives, those with power and money - especially the petroleum industry and the banks - are sitting on $600 billion in liquidity. The Conservatives tell us we must tighten our belts, young people have to accept low wages and precarious jobs, our cities are clogged for lack of investment in sustainable transit alternatives, etc., because the Conservatives tell us the cupboard is bare.
Yet, Justin Trudeau, self-proclaimed champion of the middle class, has said he will not raise corporate taxes. When push comes to shove, Liberals like Conservatives, always cede to money and power. http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/politique-canadienne/201304/11/01-4639753-justin-trudeau-ramener-les-quebecois-vers-la-gouvernance-du-pays.php
Regarding health care,
Justin Trudeau thinks there are no money problems associated with health care,
just management challenges. This position is necessary
because.....Trudeau would lead a government short of revenues thanks to the
lowest corporate taxes among the G8! Conservatives couldn't agree more.
The Cons plan on cutting health care funding within 3 years. So much for caring
about the middle class! Very scary!
But there is much more middle class stuff that makes the celebrity Prince Trudeau a scary prospect. A case in point is Justin Trudeau favoured the sale of Nexen to state-controlled Chinese interests because he said it would pave the way to free trade with China which would pave the way to more prosperity for the middle class, The Conservatives have said the same thing. Yet the North American Free Trade Agreement has been around for a long time and middle class revenues/wages are stagnating or going down. -- The middle class is being hollowed out. The required fixes are internal/domestic.
Regarding the aforementioned proposed Canada-China trade agreement, in response to massive dumping on global markets by China's clean tech industry, the US has imposed trade tariffs running from 31% to 250% on solar tech imports from China along with tariffs of 45% to 71% on imports of Chinese wind turbine towers; 2) the European Commission is considering tariffs averaging 47% on solar tech imports for China, and 3) Canada is the only country dumb enough to accept, under the proposed China-Canada agreement, a guaranteed exemption for environmental technologies from commercial barriers.
But there is much more middle class stuff that makes the celebrity Prince Trudeau a scary prospect. A case in point is Justin Trudeau favoured the sale of Nexen to state-controlled Chinese interests because he said it would pave the way to free trade with China which would pave the way to more prosperity for the middle class, The Conservatives have said the same thing. Yet the North American Free Trade Agreement has been around for a long time and middle class revenues/wages are stagnating or going down. -- The middle class is being hollowed out. The required fixes are internal/domestic.
Regarding the aforementioned proposed Canada-China trade agreement, in response to massive dumping on global markets by China's clean tech industry, the US has imposed trade tariffs running from 31% to 250% on solar tech imports from China along with tariffs of 45% to 71% on imports of Chinese wind turbine towers; 2) the European Commission is considering tariffs averaging 47% on solar tech imports for China, and 3) Canada is the only country dumb enough to accept, under the proposed China-Canada agreement, a guaranteed exemption for environmental technologies from commercial barriers.
Guns: An Integral Part of Canadian Culture
On guns, Justin Trudeau
thinks that guns are an integral part of Canadian culture and that the gun
registry was ineffective. Stephen Harper has similar views. This,
despite the fact that the Canadian Association of Police Chiefs supported the
gun registry 1) as an effective tool for police in the line of duty and 2)
regarding the development of evidence related to judicial proceedings.
Environment, Submission to the Fossil Fuel
Lobby, Tar Sands, Kinder Morgan and Keystone
Then there's the matter of the environment. Trudeau and Harper say they favour sustainable development but the legacies of both of their parties suggest otherwise. Prior to their defeat, the Liberals had several climate change action plans. They all failed to do the job, because when you got down to the details, their plans were concessions to money and power. Jean Chrétien promised the petroleum industry that, in the event of a price on carbon, there would be a very affordable ceiling on the price of carbon. Stéphane Dion came out with his billions for a Climate Fund just before the Martin government was defeated, a fund that would have the government pay the largest emitters to reduce their respective emissions or invest in carbon offsets. In other words, the more one emits, the more the government would subsidize - a pay the polluter principle rather than the polluter pays. No wonder Canada's emission levels spiked upwards during the Liberal reign!
Thanks to Conservatives' narrow focus on accommodating the fossil fuel lobby, Canada is one the rare developed nations that is not a full participant in one of the greatest job creation sectors of our times, the clean tech sectors. China had 1.6 million jobs, and Germany 372,000 jobs, in the clean tech sectors in 2011. Today, there are over 500 wind tech manufacturing facilities in the US; wind energy was the largest source of new electrical power generation in the US in 2012; the US solar sector employed 119,000 Americans in 2012; and 20% of US venture capital activity in 2011 and 2012 went towards the US clean tech sectors. Yet Canada is barely participating in green economy and, the few advancements that are being made, are thanks to provincial policies
What can we expect from Trudeau on environmental matters? Don't get your hopes up. Justin Trudeau has already ceded to power and money by being very vague on environmental matters so as not to offend anyone. Following the forked tongue Jean Chrétien model, Boy King Trudeau supports the Keystone pipeline and the expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline to Vancouver (to export tar sands oil to Asia) while saying he is a champion of the environment, even though the emissions associated with the tar sands related production for these pipelines would negate any of the Trudeau's nebulous motherhood notions of being on the side of the environment. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/11/20/trudeau-northern-gateway-asia-oil_n_2167695.html
Then there's the matter of the environment. Trudeau and Harper say they favour sustainable development but the legacies of both of their parties suggest otherwise. Prior to their defeat, the Liberals had several climate change action plans. They all failed to do the job, because when you got down to the details, their plans were concessions to money and power. Jean Chrétien promised the petroleum industry that, in the event of a price on carbon, there would be a very affordable ceiling on the price of carbon. Stéphane Dion came out with his billions for a Climate Fund just before the Martin government was defeated, a fund that would have the government pay the largest emitters to reduce their respective emissions or invest in carbon offsets. In other words, the more one emits, the more the government would subsidize - a pay the polluter principle rather than the polluter pays. No wonder Canada's emission levels spiked upwards during the Liberal reign!
Thanks to Conservatives' narrow focus on accommodating the fossil fuel lobby, Canada is one the rare developed nations that is not a full participant in one of the greatest job creation sectors of our times, the clean tech sectors. China had 1.6 million jobs, and Germany 372,000 jobs, in the clean tech sectors in 2011. Today, there are over 500 wind tech manufacturing facilities in the US; wind energy was the largest source of new electrical power generation in the US in 2012; the US solar sector employed 119,000 Americans in 2012; and 20% of US venture capital activity in 2011 and 2012 went towards the US clean tech sectors. Yet Canada is barely participating in green economy and, the few advancements that are being made, are thanks to provincial policies
What can we expect from Trudeau on environmental matters? Don't get your hopes up. Justin Trudeau has already ceded to power and money by being very vague on environmental matters so as not to offend anyone. Following the forked tongue Jean Chrétien model, Boy King Trudeau supports the Keystone pipeline and the expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline to Vancouver (to export tar sands oil to Asia) while saying he is a champion of the environment, even though the emissions associated with the tar sands related production for these pipelines would negate any of the Trudeau's nebulous motherhood notions of being on the side of the environment. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/11/20/trudeau-northern-gateway-asia-oil_n_2167695.html
Poor Sense of Priorities: Pot Over the Lac-Mégantic Tragedy
More recently, Trudeau has shown his true colours on priorities with the July 2013 refusal of the Conservatives and Liberals to interrupt their summer break for the purpose of holding sessions of the Parliamentary committee on Transport to look into the Lac-Mégantic rail disaster that left 47 people dead. One doesn't need to await the report of the Transportation Safety Board to figure out that the Transport Canada approval of the Montreal Maine and Atlantic Railway request to have only one person operate a train with 72 wagons of dangerous cargo was a stupid decision. Former Transport Canada employees have said that, under the Harper regime, safety has taken a back seat to corporate profits.--The odds of the tragedy ever happening with 2 people in charge of the train would have been very minimal. But Trudeau thinks the top message for the lazy hazy days of summer is about legalizing pot. Glad to see he has got his priorities right. Out to get the Twitter vote? Very scary indeed!
More recently, Trudeau has shown his true colours on priorities with the July 2013 refusal of the Conservatives and Liberals to interrupt their summer break for the purpose of holding sessions of the Parliamentary committee on Transport to look into the Lac-Mégantic rail disaster that left 47 people dead. One doesn't need to await the report of the Transportation Safety Board to figure out that the Transport Canada approval of the Montreal Maine and Atlantic Railway request to have only one person operate a train with 72 wagons of dangerous cargo was a stupid decision. Former Transport Canada employees have said that, under the Harper regime, safety has taken a back seat to corporate profits.--The odds of the tragedy ever happening with 2 people in charge of the train would have been very minimal. But Trudeau thinks the top message for the lazy hazy days of summer is about legalizing pot. Glad to see he has got his priorities right. Out to get the Twitter vote? Very scary indeed!
Employment Insurance
It was the Liberals who started gutting Employment
Insurance and the Conservatives have merely followed through. Justin
Trudeau must be counting on the short memory of CanadiansOther Matters: Oversized Ego
Multimillionaire Trudeau thinks it's OK to take money from charities in exchange for his princely charm. Harper also has a big ego, so big that he need not consult his Ministers. Rather the Prime Minister's Office is in charge of giving Harper Ministers their respective marching orders.
Wrapping up, juggling complex issues such as taxation fairness, equal opportunity and participation in the global migration to a green economy, health care, day care etc. requires well-thought out synergistic policies with depth. But both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau prefer to operate on sound bite levels or clichés on such matters. Harper answers all tough questions with "but it's the economy." As for Trudeau, he simply repeats his aforementioned mantra that he is for the middle class without any references as to what he would do now that income inequalities have reached an historic high and corporate tax revenues aren't sufficient to do anything meaningful for the middle class.
Once again, the Liberals are presenting themselves as the best ones to address their own poor legacy.
Canada now has 2 Conservative parties as Mr. Harper worries about dividing the right.
Very scary story! Spread the word.
Will Dubitsky, updated 30/07/2013
Will Dubitsky, updated 30/07/2013
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