By Christopher Hopson
Tuesday, April 01 2014
Updated: Tuesday, April 01 2014
At a time when carbon emissions are destroying the planet and government budgets are under severe pressure, it is perverse that the world’s taxpayers are providing the fossil-fuel industry with almost $2trn of subsidies every year — more than 20 times as much as renewables.
Phasing out these hand-outs would reduce CO2 emissions significantly and enable renewables to compete on a level playing field, while the money saved could be used to subsidise the transition to clean energy or help the world deal with a warmer planet. Currently, the richest countries are spending six times more on supporting fossil fuels than on helping poorer nations adapt to climate change, according to a London think-tank, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
"Think about it,” says Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “We are subsidising the very behaviour that is destroying our planet, and on an enormous scale.”
While there is a worldwide consensus that this situation has to change, virtually nothing is actually being done about it.
Almost five years ago, the G20 countries committed to “phase out and rationalise over the medium term inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies while providing targeted support for the poorest”. But as Doug Koplow, from US environment group Earth Track, tells Recharge: “The problem is that the G20 leaders seem to get a discussion going on this subject at every summit meeting, but then they just seem to do nothing.”
One major problem seems to be that no-one can agree what constitutes a fossil-fuel subsidy, let alone an “inefficient” one.

Many governments simply do not know how much they are spending on subsidising dirty fuels, as many forms of support have never been quantified, according to the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s Global Subsidies Initiative. Where information does exist, it is scattered across different ministries, as well as across regional and local governments, and is rarely made publicly available.
These problems are exacerbated in developing countries by poor budget transparency and limited resources for data gathering and estimating subsidies. “The resulting gaps in the data collected on fossil-fuel subsidies make it difficult, if not impossible, to assess or rationalise them,” says ODI research fellow Shelagh Whitley.
But the biggest stumbling block to ending the subsidies is undoubtedly the unwillingness of politicians to act — and that is largely due to the power and influence of Big Oil and Big Coal.
“The fossil-fuels industry is the most powerful vested interest in the history of the world,” says Steve Sawyer, secretary general of the Global Wind Energy Council. “It runs and/or owns many governments; and exerts a huge influence on many more.”
Politicians around the world rely on donations from fossil-fuel corporations. In the US, where election campaign costs can be eye-wateringly high, politicians of both main parties routinely accept thousands of dollars from these companies. In the current Congress, $8m has so far been accepted by House representatives, with 84% going to Republicans, while more than $3m has gone to Senators — 67% of which went to Republicans, according to US advocacy group Oil Change International.

“Punishing energy companies by raising taxes is not sound policy and could lead to less energy, less government revenue and fewer jobs,” says Jack Gerard, head of lobby group the American Petroleum Institute.
“The oil and gas industry in the US contributes $85m a day to the federal government — a larger contributor of government revenue than any other industry in the US.”
So although President Barack Obama has repeatedly called for an end to fossil-fuel subsidies — as he did in his State of the Union speech in January — he can’t actually get such a move through Congress.
As former US vice-president Al Gore says: “American democracy has been hacked. The US Congress... is now incapable of passing laws without permission from the corporate lobbies and other special interests that control their campaign finances.”
The fear at what might happen if subsidies are removed is palpable. Rising oil and energy prices may raise bills for voters and businesses that are already struggling. The same arguments are being used against carbon taxes.
But according to the Treasury Department, removing subsidies would reduce US oil production by less than 0.5%, and increase exploration and production costs by less than 2%. As it is the global market that determines oil prices, the impact should be negligible.
David Lipton, first deputy managing director at the IMF, says: “Subsidy reform can lead to a more efficient allocation of resources, which will help spur higher economic growth over the longer term.” Removing energy subsidies can also strengthen incentives for R&D in energy-saving and alternative technologies, he adds.
Fatih Birol, chief economist at the International Energy Agency (IEA), says fossil-fuel subsidies are “public enemy number one to sustainable energy development”.
“One of the main arguments put forward for keeping fossil-fuel subsidies is that they protect the poor, but studies show that 80% of such subsidies go to middle- and high-income households,” he adds. “The IEA is doing its best to persuade the G20 group of countries to act on this issue.”
Sawyer believes a “level playing field” created by removing all fossil-fuel subsidies globally would offer major advantages for renewables, as it would better reflect the true cost of energy generation. “As the price of fossil fuels rises, it would give low-cost renewables an ever-greater market advantage,” he says.
Thomas Becker, chief executive of the European Wind Energy Association, adds: “We in the wind industry can live without subsidies, as long as other energy sources don’t get subsidies as well.”
Fossil-fuel companies are quick to claim that renewables are only economically viable due to government subsidies, but the cost of green energy is dropping rapidly. According to Deutsche Bank, solar power is cheaper than grid electricity in ten major markets, including Italy and India, while wind energy is less expensive than other sources in countries such as Brazil and Australia.
Despite the political impasses, there are some chinks of light on the horizon, with important global bodies such as the UN, IMF, OECD and IEA all making increasingly strident calls for change.
The G20 leaders have asked their finance ministers to provide reports on the issue by the next G20 meeting in Brisbane, Australia, in November, and a European Commission report on the subsidies is expected in September.

“Previous meetings identified a range of barriers to sustainable investment,” says Ban. “These include what we call ‘perverse subsidies’ [and] uncertainty about the predictability of electricity tariffs or government energy policies. We have to break down these barriers.”
Any deal to remove fossil-fuel subsidies would require agreement from the three biggest fossil-fuel supporters — the US, Russia and China, which rarely agree on anything.
Precise data is hard to extract from China, where producer subsidies can be found at the state, provincial and local levels. However, China is slowly trying to address its pollution problems by gradually reducing preferential tax treatment for fossil-fuel companies.
Russia, however, is offering ever more generous tax breaks to the oil and gas industry as it attempts to exploit its Arctic resources. President Vladimir Putin uses energy as a tool of international power — the threat of switching off Russia’s gas supply to Europe seems to be one of the key reasons for the EU’s feeble response to the Crimea crisis. Anything that weakens Russia’s fossil-fuel supply will weaken its power, at least in Putin’s mind.
But with the West and Russia at loggerheads over Crimea, the chances of a G20 or global deal look slimmer than ever. Some leaders have already indicated Putin might not be welcome at the Brisbane meeting. The issue may be kicked into the long grass.
“If there’s anyone around to write the history of the 21st century,” says Sawyer, “some of the key questions that will be asked are, ‘why did it take so long to address the climate change threat?’; and ‘why weren’t the deliberate misinformation campaigns from the fossil-fuels industry — about climate, renewables and economics — exposed much sooner?’.
“I believe one day they will be seen as the greatest crimes against humanity in human history. I hope I live long enough to see the trials begin; and I hope I live long enough to see politicians with the courage to take them on.”
Click here for the full list of the world's biggest fossil-fuel subsidisers
The biggest fossil-fuel subsidisers
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By Christopher Hopson
Tuesday, April 01 2014
These comprehensive figures, compiled in 2013 by the International Monetary Fund, show the amount of petroleum, natural-gas, coal and fossil-fuel-electricity subsidies in 2011, including consumption and production subsidies, as well as externalities, such as the cost of climate change ($25 per tonne of carbon), pollution, traffic congestion, accidents and road damage. All figures in US dollars.
1 United States 502,137,390,000
2 China 279,480,451,000
3 Russia 116,256,840,000
4 Saudi Arabia 99,820,324,000
5 Iran 85,420,106,000
6 India 81,494,157,000
7 Japan 46,022,197,000
8 Indonesia 45,341,690,000
9 United Arab Emirates 33,596,288,800
10 Venezuela 32,892,198,600
11 Egypt 32,403,550,500
12 Mexico 27,576,633,000
13 Australia 26,502,896,000
14 Canada 26,384,745,000
15 Algeria 26,368,445,800
16 Germany 21,575,345,000
17 Malaysia 20,750,286,000
18 Ukraine 19,297,782,400
19 Kuwait 18,981,921,000
20 Iraq 18,485,513,200
21 South Africa 17,370,080,000
22 Korea 16,726,157,500
23 Thailand 16,339,161,000
24 Uzbekistan 14,802,311,700
25 Qatar 14,636,753,000
26 Kazakhstan 12,945,962,000
27 Pakistan 12,851,909,300
28 Argentina 12,837,700,800
29 United Kingdom 10,925,897,000
30 Poland 10,789,790,100
31 Taiwan 9,852,152,200
32 Nigeria 8,724,936,300
33 Turkmenistan 8,589,734,800
34 Bangladesh 7,943,721,500
35 Oman 7,860,598,000
36 Turkey 7,541,360,000
37 Italy 7,500,386,000
38 Chile 6,873,219,600
39 Ecuador 6,697,803,800
40 Spain 6,273,184,000
41 Vietnam 6,138,846,800
42 Brazil 5,049,142,000
43 France 4,685,574,000
44 Libya 4,507,338,110
45 Netherlands 3,945,092,000
46 Bahrain 3,838,103,000
47 Czech Republic 3,526,476,500
48 Lebanon 3,299,971,400
49 Azerbaijan 3,288,028,700
50 Singapore 3,190,699,200
51 Morocco 3,181,416,500
52 Yemen 3,175,091,400
53 Angola 2,974,461,100
54 New Zealand 2,954,479,100
55 Hong Kong 2,859,305,000
56 Jordan 2,804,893,600
57 Tunisia 2,616,574,900
58 Trinidad and Tobago 2,309,683,000
59 Luxembourg 2,207,002,600
60 Belarus 1,894,817,400
61 Ghana 1,869,953,800
62 Romania 1,835,227,800
63 Austria 1,746,234,500
64 Philippines 1,658,057,800
65 Sri Lanka 1,653,371,700
66 Zimbabwe 1,609,970,900
67 Greece 1,569,709,900
68 Israel 1,569,570,800
69 Belgium 1,544,597,500
70 Sudan 1,447,790,000
71 Brunei 1,376,218,700
72 Hungary 1,353,061,800
73 Bolivia 1,343,549,800
74 Bulgaria 1,308,705,100
75 Cameroon 1,269,337,500
76 Serbia 1,224,565,300
77 Colombia 1,221,069,900
78 Ireland 1,070,636,500
79 Finland 1,053,740,100
80 Zambia 952,078,070
81 Slovakia 950,785,400
82 Sweden 942,040,500
83 Peru 881,500,400
84 Denmark 858,849,000
85 Kyrgyzstan 836,767,900
86 Ivory Coast 805,316,800
87 Congo 684,512,700
88 Mozambique 680,946,600
89 Panama 678,662,500
90 Portugal 633,802,600
91 Bosnia 631,439,400
92 Estonia 625,265,300
93 Ethiopia 615,454,200
94 Tanzania 589,420,400
95 Myanmar 498,641,000
96 Guatemala 496,030,900
97 Norway 493,704,700
98 Switzerland 452,377,300
99 Slovenia 422,515,400
100 Mongolia 397,038,300
101 Senegal 386,981,200
102 Equatorial Guinea 367,405,500
103 Croatia 341,815,700
104 Botswana 303,626,800
105 DR Congo 296,467,600
106 Uganda 251,844,400
107 Kenya 231,219,900
108 Armenia 214,977,400
109 Lithuania 210,848,600
110 Tajikistan 193,813,800
111 Georgia 177,430,700
112 El Salvador 171,389,700
113 Benin 158,751,500
114 Dominican Republic 153,095,600
115 Latvia 146,415,600
116 Macedonia 145,601,000
117 Cyprus 144,822,200
118 Madagascar 138,045,600
119 Costa Rica 132,507,000
120 Gabon 127,525,500
121 Burkina Faso 124,585,500
122 Mali 120,806,900
123 Malawi 119,951,200
124 Moldova 116,710,100
125 Bahamas 109,164,000
126 Mauritania 103,023,500
127 Namibia 78,253,200
128 Honduras 75,230,600
129 Jamaica 65,179,200
130 Nepal 50,277,800
131 Cape Verde 48,869,300
132 Afghanistan 42,234,300
133 Maldives 29,763,200
134 Togo 26,452,600
135 Guyana 25,829,500
136 Rwanda 24,451,900
137 Lesotho 24,122,600
138 Niger 21,850,900
139 Bhutan 18,291,600
140 Barbados 18,109,200
141 Antigua and Barbuda 17,624,400
142 Iceland 15,498,800
143 Sierra Leone 13,152,000
144 St Lucia 10,112,900
145 St Kitts and Nevis 8,541,600
146 Grenada 7,885,000
147 Djibouti 7,206,800
148 Malta 6,470,300
149 Uruguay 6,375,700
150 St Vincent and
the Grenadines 5,715,400
151 Dominica 5,461,500
152 Fiji 5,048,800
153 Albania 2,991,400
154 Chad 1,772,600
155 São Tomé and Príncipe 1,467,100
156 Kosovo 1,166,300
157 Nicaragua 492,500
158 East Timor 287,400
159 Cambodia 179,100
160 Montenegro 78,900
Total 1,894,826,364,880
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