Part I
The High Growth, High Job Creation Green Economy:
Québec, The Old Resource-Based Economy and Missed Opportunities
The High Growth, High Job Creation Green Economy:
Québec, The Old Resource-Based Economy and Missed Opportunities
The ardent defenders of a resource economy are by no stretch of the imagination limited to the climate skeptics that support TransCanada's Energy East, Keystone and the tripling of the capacity of Trans Mountains Kinder Morgan pipeline from the Alberta tar sands to the Port of Vancouver. There are also the much larger and perhaps more influential groups of traditional resource economy supporters, the greenwashers such as Trudeau, Couillard, the majority of in-the-box or mainstream journalists, most economists, Bay Street, Suncor and many many more. These stakeholders would have us believe that with a little tinkering of the status quo -- to manipulate the masses -- we can address requirements to reduce greenhouse gases while supporting TransCanada Energy East and the other proposed pipeline projects for Canada.
According to this line of thinking, the traditional resource-based economic paradigm is a permanent fixture of global economics. Consequently, if TransCanada's Energy East pipeline isn't built, another petroleum source would fill the "void." leaving the impacts on greenhouse gases at the level of the status quo. In other words, new infrastructures to increase dependencies on petroleum are fine even though the International Energy Agency has said we must leave 80% of proven reserves in the ground if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change.
It is rather unfortunate that the green economics paradigm -- despite the facts on the ground in China, Europe and the US -- remains off the radar screen of nearly all economists.
Even the very conservative International Monetary Fund, Goldman Sachs and UBS are way ahead the traditional economists on the decline of the resource economy paradigm, respectively exposing 1) the spellbinding levels of subsidization of the fossil fuel sectors; 2) the high financial risks for non-conventional fossil resources, such as the tar sands; 3) the rapidly growing quantity of stranded oil assets due to the combination of high debt loads and reserves that cannot be supported by market prices; and 4) the growing aggressiveness and frequency of government action on climate change around the globe . Together, these factors are fostering the emergence of a global green economy. (more on all this in the detailed analysis in the next sections)
Accordingly what follows is a detailed response to the greenwashers.
1) Jobs and Economic Development
The green sectors are among the fastest growing and highest job creation sectors of our times. Unfortunately, Canada and Quebec are missing out on these opportunities while China, the European Union and, to a lesser extent, the US are way ahead of us.
There are 3.5M people currently working in the green sectors in the the European Union (EU), 1.2M in renewables; the clean energy sectors in Germany are right up there with the German auto sector in terms of job numbers, and there is a 7000 position labour shortage in the EU wind energy sector.
There are 3.5M people currently working in the green sectors in the the European Union (EU), 1.2M in renewables; the clean energy sectors in Germany are right up there with the German auto sector in terms of job numbers, and there is a 7000 position labour shortage in the EU wind energy sector.
And at last count there were 300,000 working in the Chinese solar energy sector and another 800,000 in its thermal solar sector. The projections for China's wind sector are 500,000 jobs by 2020.
With respect to the US, there were 174,000 people working in the solar sector in November 2014.
With respect to the US, there were 174,000 people working in the solar sector in November 2014.
As well, government investments in the green economy offer 6 to 8 times more jobs per unit of investment than the resource economy.
2) Québec, Jobs, Economic Development,
The Green Economy and Electric Vehicles:
No Reconciliation Necessary
Though Québec is participating in a carbon (cap and trade) market with California, current Couillard Quebec government actions are founded on a resource economy with negligible interest shown in developing Québec strengths in the high job creation green sectors. This is counterproductive not only for the environment but for Québec economic development as well.
To begin, Québec could accomplish a lot more for developing it's own wealth and reducing it's economic dependence on wealthier provinces by concurrently 1) rejecting the few hundred jobs associated with the TransCanada Energy East option 2) reducing its dependence on petroleum from outside Québec and thereby reducing Québec total greenhouse gas emissions and 3) focusing on the high job creation green sectors including the development of Québec's emerging electric vehicle sector. Consider the following factors:
First, the transportation sector represents 42% of Québec's emissions.
Second, not only does Québec have a clean energy surplus, mainly hydro, and but also it's nascent electric vehicle (ev) sector includes 1) an ev battery manufacturer, Bolloré/Bathium : 2) an electric motor wheel company, TM4; 3) a Nova Bus (Volvo) electric bus under development ; 4) two manufacturers of electric vehicle charging stations, GRIDbot and ADDÉnergie; and 5) ev research centres such as the Centre National du Transport Avancé and L'Ecole de technologie supérieure.
Should Québec and Canada not seize the opportunities, it is China and the US -- California in particular -- that will continue to be the leaders in, and reap optimal long term benefits from, the electrification of transport.
While BYD of China is already manufacturing electric buses,-- this includes a manufacturing plant for BYD electric buses in California -- China's central government has adopted aggressive policies to the effect that beginning 2016, 30% of all government vehicle purchases will be electric.
Several Chinese regional governments have similar objectives, with 30% of vehicle purchases be to hybrid and electrical by 2016.
Also getting into the act to migrate their respective vehicles markets to zero to low emission vehicles, are China's municipal
governments. For example, the city of Shenzhen recently announced a cap on new vehicle sales to
cut air pollution coupled with a requirement that 20% of registrations must be electric vehicles.
To complement all of the above-described Chinese initiatives, 1) China's central government is considering a $16B program to set up charging station infrastructures across the country and 2) China removed the 10% purchase tax for electric and hybrid vehicles.
In the US, California is leading the way on electric vehicles with a comprehensive plan and a legislation agenda that includes 1) financial assistance for low income residents; 2) support for customer side clean energy micro-grids complete with energy storage and electric vehicle charging stations; and 3) requirements for recent and new housing and parking lots to have the electrical infrastructure in place for setting up electric vehicle charging stations.
Unfortunately, the Couillard government, like Harper and Trudeau, lives in the past tense, supporting TransCanada's Energy East pipeline proposal while 1) having cancelled the $500M by 2020 PQ program for the electrification of transport, 2) having committed $450M for an unneeded cement plant that will be fueled by petcoke - a high carbon content fuel derived from the residues of tar sands refineries -- and 3) being prepared to divert millions for Le Plan Nord.
Ironically, during Couillard's recent trip to China, announcements were made on 1) Québec's Enerkem project in Shanghai for a waste-to-energy facility and 2) the manufacturing in China of Québec's TM4 electric motor wheel under a license from TM4.
But surprisingly, 1) Québec has done nothing to build its domestic industrial base for these companies and 2) Couillard's focus on China's investment in Quebec pertained to natural resources and the aforementioned vague Plan Nord, as per the old economy.
Further on the nebulous Plan Nord, Cabinet Minister Pierre Arcand (Ministre de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles) has boasted that the Plan Nord will provide the opportunity to bring clean natural gas to the new mining centres --- rather than build on the expertise of 1) firms like TUGLIQ and Île-Infinie regarding local clean energy micro-grids capable of energy storage and 2) Québec's electric vehicle stakeholders.
More recently, in December 2014 and commenting on a just released report on shale gas by the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement, Couillard let it be known that his government would not be taking action along the lines of the State of New York to impose a permanent moratorium on shale gas development.
In the interim, the Government of Québec has a one year strategic environmental evaluation study underway on all fossil fuels in Québec. This review moving forward at steroid speeds is believed to be a ploy for the government to prepare the terrain for the social acceptability of, and removal of the barriers to, its fossil fuel ambitions.
All of the above-described Couillard government "manipulative hints" re-enforce concerns that the provincial government will be looking to a way to lift the moratorium on shale gas.
In the interim, the Government of Québec has a one year strategic environmental evaluation study underway on all fossil fuels in Québec. This review moving forward at steroid speeds is believed to be a ploy for the government to prepare the terrain for the social acceptability of, and removal of the barriers to, its fossil fuel ambitions.
All of the above-described Couillard government "manipulative hints" re-enforce concerns that the provincial government will be looking to a way to lift the moratorium on shale gas.
Similarly, the
Couillard government appears to be using the strategic environmental evaluation study
as a tactic to keep its options open for developing a shale oil sector on the
Island of Anticosti, a sector for which the previous PQ government injected $115M in two equity agreements, 1) one with Pétrolia, Corridor Resources, and
Maurel & Prom, with Quebec holding 35% ownership, and 2) the other with Junex.
Yet the growing evidence coming from the US is such that only the easy to extract sweet spots of new shale gas and oil wells are profitable for exploitation. The result is that the US shale gas and oil industry is headed towards boom and bust economics.
In addition, with the high level of methane leaks from shale gas wells combined with high risks of soil,water and air pollution , one can only conclude that the Couillard government has created its own world of fantasies.
Finally, regarding the cap and trade scheme adopted by Québec, it is only an effective mechanism if accompanied by a large pallet of complementary measures. This is not the case in Quebec where there is absolutely no plan to achieve the 2020 objectives.
Part II
The Demise of the Fossil Fuel Era and
The Rise of Green Economics
The Demise of the Fossil Fuel Era and
The Rise of Green Economics
the first part of this article published in The Common Sense Canadian on January 23, 2015, the contrast was presented to the effect that
Canadian and Quebec leaders are largely ignoring the potential of high job creation high growth green sectors, while
leaving China, Europe and the US to exercise clean tech/green economy world
leadership -- at Canada's own peril.
this second part, the folly of the Canadian resource-based economy as the key
to economic development and supported by policies and organizations to this
effect is looked into in more depth. This
section concludes with contrasts with other nations on the green economy and
the significance of Obama's upcoming veto on Keystone XL as a symbol of the acceleration
of the transformation to a new era.
1) Fossil Fuels Era Drawing to a Close
In keeping with Einstein's
definition of insanity, nearly all the economic experts will tell you we must
keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results.
Yet the signs are that the
fossil fuels era is approaching it's demise!
First, long term energy and energy related investments already favour the green
economy -- largely because the costs of clean techs are coming
Second, in the Summer of 2014, long before the recent plunge in oil prices,
it became apparent that non-conventional resources such as the tar sands, shale and offshore
oil cannot be supported by market prices. As a result, Big Oil
already has started to withdraw from major non-conventional investments around
the globe, otherwise known as stranded assets. This trend is becoming
more and more evident .
The growing order of magnitude
of fossil fuel stranded investments are very telling. Of the $2T invested in oil development in 2014, $930B may never reach the return on investment stage -- the makings of an investment bubble?
Considering 1) the 20% return on equity for oil and gas in 2008 and the projection of 5% return for 2015 plus 2) increased volumes of stranded assets to come with oil at less than $70/barrel, it would appear that the most
of the financial community has got it all wrong. They are not as diversified as they claim to
be, totally by-passing the high growth high job creation green sectors while maintaining
the resource economy as integral components of the majority of investment
Further on these
considerations, Goldman Sachs has warned that the oil companies' capital
expenditures for investments in non-conventional resources have "gone
through the roof" and that their Reserve Replacement Ratio, the measure
which investors use to rate oil companies, is not encouraging. (New Internationalist, November 2014)
Similarly, a UBS study
concluded that the rapid decline in the costs of clean energy, clean transportation and green economy integration technologies -- such
as energy storage technologies -- together, suggest that the writing is on the
wall for the decline of the fossil fuel era and full-scale shift to a green
economy by 2020. (New Internationalist, November 2014)
But, the economics of the decline of the fossil
fuel sectors and rise of clean technologies only tell part of the story. Specifically, governments around the globe
are adopting policies to favour the green economy in recognizing that 80% of fossil
fuels must remain in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate change. That means of the 12,000 gigatonnes of fossilfuel reserves only 936 gigatonnes can be used.
And another looming cloud
for the fossil fuel sectors is, the fossil fuel sectors remain one
of the most heavily subsidized sectors, if not the most subsidized sectors on this planet.
According to the
International Monetary Fund, in US 2011 dollars, Canada spends $26.4B/year in direct and indirect
(including health, climate change costs, etc.) subsidies for its fossil fuel
sectors. This means that the unraveling of short term thinking on fossil fuels
will accelerate over time as the international community increasingly engages
in addressing climate change. --- Put another way, the idea of shifting
subsidies away from fossil fuels to the green economy will become increasingly
attractive for policy makers.
Oddly enough, the representatives
of the fossil sectors complain about subsidies for clean energy. The
response of the European Wind Energy Association is that the wind sector
could compete without any subsidies if it weren't for the subsidies for the
fossil fuel sectors.
In the US, wind energy
is now cost competitive with natural gas. Indeed, the change in
the US energy paradigm is now well-entrenched with renewables
representing 47% of new electrical generation capacity installed in 2014, natural
gas at 50% and coal, nuclear and oil combined only accounting for a little over
Consequently, from an
investment perspective, clean technologies are the safer bets, free of the fluctuating
speculative prices and destined to be favoured by increasingly aggressive government policies on a migration to a green
economy and the declining costs of clean technologies.
Note, the NDP has committed
to end fossil fuel subsidies, transfer the savings to clean technologies and
introduce a cap and trade system.
2) National Energy Board Locking us In to Yesterday's Economics
As a result of the Harper administration's changes
to legislation on environmental impact analyses, the NEB does not have the
mandate to consider the biggest environmental/energy/economic issue among all
issues associated with TransCanada's Energy East and other pipeline proposals
-- that is, the emissions stemming from tar sands development and
refining and the exports/consumption of the high carbon content tar sands
derived fuels/products.
But, "The more fossil infrastructure you build now, the faster we’ll have to
reduce emissions later."
Compounding the limitations
of the NEB mandate, the NEB has an "attitude problem" This is very
evident by virtue of the NEB's rejection of the bringing forward to the NEB oral
cross-examination phase, the questions submitted by Marc
Eliesen on Trans Mountain's Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion
Marc Eliesen is a former
CEO of BC Hydro and Chair of Manitoba Hydro and served as a Deputy Minister in
seven different federal and provincial governments. Since the NEB did not
see it as necessary for Trans Mountain to address most of Marc Eliesen's
written questions, Marc Eliesen withdrew as an intervenor/participant in theNEB Kinder Morgan review circus.
One can expect more of the same for the NEB
hearings on Energy East.
In synergy with the
aforementioned restricted mandate of the NEB, the Harper administration gutted
The Fisheries Act regarding the protection of the marine habitat, at the
request of Canada's pipeline industry
These are the rules laid down by the Harper administration.
These rules also have
the NEB reporting directly to the Prime
Minister's office.
In other words, Canada is painting itself into a corner.
Both Trudeau and Harper view Canada as a resource export economy and both revert to science denial to advance the cause of increasing Canada's dependence on resource exports.
Both Trudeau and Harper view Canada as a resource export economy and both revert to science denial to advance the cause of increasing Canada's dependence on resource exports.
3) Emerging New Economic/Energy/Environmental Paradigm
As alluded to my Jan 23, 2015 Common Sense Canadian article, yesterday's economists, Harper and Trudeau and most of mainstream media, much like the climate change deniers, would like us all to believe in a fairly tale that presents the economic and the environmental considerations as opposing forces for which there is a need for reconciliation.
This economy
versus the environment spin is comparable to the debate of 100 years ago on the
need for a reconciliation of woman's rights and with that of economic
However, the world's largest energy consumer,
China, is already changing the global economic/energy/environmental paradigm
in a rather schizophrenic war on coal -- 1) China is the world's largest investor
in green technologies, with $89.5B in clean
energy technology projects in 2014 in 2) China's coal
imports will be down by 15% by the end of 2014 compared to
2013. 3) China's pilot cap and trade systems in Beijing and Shenzhen have reduced emissions by 4.5% and 11%
respectively. 4) China is thinking of introducing a national cap and trade
system in 2016.
In Europe, nearly all of the EU members are on
track for their 2020 targets for a 20% reduction in GHGs, 20% energy from
renewables and a 20% improvement in energy efficiency. Not resting on
their laurels, in October 2014, the European Heads of State agreed to a 40% GHG reduction target for 2030.
Then there is
the incredible case of Germany. Germany outdid it's own Kyoto Protocol
objective for a 21% reduction of GHGs by 2012, having achieved a 25.5% reduction instead. But Germany is not an exception to the rule. For the same Kyoto
Period ending in 2012, the UK, Sweden and France reduced their emissions respectively by 23.4%, 18% and 10.5%
At this point, Ban Ki-moon's 2007 remarks on green economics seem highly appropriate. "We have witnessed three economic transformations in the past century. First came the Industrial Revolution, then the technology revolution, then our modern era of globalization. We stand at the threshold of another great change: the age of green economics."
How long is it going to take for today's economists
to catch up?
4) Epilogue and the Global Significance of the
Obama Veto on Keystone XL
In closing, with Obama on the verge of applying
his veto to Keystone, it may be helpful to read the article referred to below which specifically deals with the matter of Keystone XL but could easily
be re-cast as the case against TransCanada's Energy East,Trans Mountain's
Kinder Morgan and Enbridge's Line Number 9.
In a
nutshell, the article for which the link is embedded in this paragraph speaks of the increased path dependencies generated by new
pipelines and concludes that an Obama rejection of Keystone XL, would be a clear signal to the US,
Canada and the entire world that the time has come for putting
the emphasis on developing clean energy and clean transportation
alternatives - and the weaning off from dependencies on fossil
This is precisely the point President Obama made in his January 20, 2015 State of the Union speech when he indicated that 1) a rejection of Keystone XL would send a signal to the world that we must get serious about migrating to a green economy and 2) an approval of Keystone XL would constitute a setback on the agenda to take action on climate change.
One can say "Ditto" for TransCanada's Energy East the other major Canadian pipeline projects.
What is happening is that China, Europe, the US and other nations -- not Canada -- are becoming increasingly aligned for a future that functions on a green economy paradigm, the path for higher job creation, stronger economic development, avoidance of catastrophic climate change and the embracing of environmental stewardship -- the path for tomorrow's economy.
With the aforementioned science and economic considerations in mind Mark Carney, the current Governor of the Bank of England and the former Governor of the Bank of Canada, recently wrote to British Members of Parliament advising them that the Bank's officials are reviewing whether or not the majority of fossil reserves are burnable.
This is precisely the point President Obama made in his January 20, 2015 State of the Union speech when he indicated that 1) a rejection of Keystone XL would send a signal to the world that we must get serious about migrating to a green economy and 2) an approval of Keystone XL would constitute a setback on the agenda to take action on climate change.
One can say "Ditto" for TransCanada's Energy East the other major Canadian pipeline projects.
What is happening is that China, Europe, the US and other nations -- not Canada -- are becoming increasingly aligned for a future that functions on a green economy paradigm, the path for higher job creation, stronger economic development, avoidance of catastrophic climate change and the embracing of environmental stewardship -- the path for tomorrow's economy.
With the aforementioned science and economic considerations in mind Mark Carney, the current Governor of the Bank of England and the former Governor of the Bank of Canada, recently wrote to British Members of Parliament advising them that the Bank's officials are reviewing whether or not the majority of fossil reserves are burnable.
Will Dubitsky
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